ASTM 規範名稱
0. 用語與定義
Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems (石膏與相關營建材料的用語)
Terminology Relating to Lime and Limestone (as used by the Industry) (石灰與石灰岩的相關用語)
Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates (混凝土與粒料的相關用語)
C219 Standard Terminology Relating to Hydraulic Cement (水硬性水泥的相關用語)
C294 Standard Descriptive Nomenclature for Constituents of Concrete
Aggregates (混凝土粒料成份的術語)
C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements for Test Methods
for Construction Materials (營建材料試驗法精度與誤差的描述)
1. 膠結材
ASTM C114 Standard Test Methods for Chemical
Analysis of Hydraulic Cement (水硬性水泥的化學分析)
ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland
Cement (卜特蘭水泥)
ASTM C151 Standard Test
Method for Autoclave Expansion of Hydraulic Cement (水硬性水泥的壓蒸膨脹)
ASTM C311 Test Methods for
Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland-Cement
Concrete (卜特蘭水泥混凝土用飛灰或天然卜作嵐材料的取樣與試驗)
ASTM C595 Standard
Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements (混合水泥)
ASTM C618 Standard
Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use
in Concrete (粉煤灰,飛灰,天然卜作嵐材料)
ASTM C821 Standard
Specification for Lime for Use with Pozzolans
ASTM C845 Standard
Specification for Expansive Hydraulic Cement (膨脹水泥)
ASTM C989 Standard
Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars (爐石水泥)
ASTM C1084 Standard Test
Method for Portland-Cement Content of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Concrete (硬固混凝土中的卜特蘭水泥含量)
ASTM C1157 Standard
Performance Specification for Hydraulic Cement (水硬性水泥的性能表現)
ASTM C1240 Standard
Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures (矽灰)
ASTM C1709 Standard Guide
for Evaluation of Alternative Supplementary Cementitious Materials (ASCM) for
Use in Concrete (評估混凝土用輔助膠結材)
評估C618, C989, C1240以外的膠結材
2. 水
ASTM C1602/C1602M
Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement
Concrete (水硬性水泥混凝土所使用的拌合水)
3. 摻料
ASTM C260 Standard
Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete (輸氣劑)
ASTM C494 Standard
Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete (化學摻料)
ASTM C1017 Standard
Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Use in Producing Flowing Concrete (製作流動化混凝土所需之化學摻料)
ASTM D98 Standard
Specification for Calcium Chloride (氯化鈣) (通常用作速凝劑)
4. 粒料
C70 Standard Test Method for Surface Moisture in Fine Aggregate (細粒料的表面含水量)
Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption
of Coarse Aggregate (粗粒料的單位重, 比重及吸水率)
Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption
of Fine Aggregate (細粒料的單位重, 比重及吸水率)
Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates (粗細粒料的篩分析)
C295 Standard Guide for Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete (混凝土用粒料的岩相分析)
C342-97 Standard Test Method for Potential Volume Change of Cement-Aggregate
Combinations (Withdrawn 2001) (砂漿的膨脹潛勢, 2001年廢除)
C702 Standard Practice for Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size (粒料取樣法)
C778 Standard Specification for Standard Sand (標準砂)
D75 Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates (粒料取樣法)
Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves (標準篩)
5. 混凝土
C94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete (預拌混凝土)
5.1 普通混凝土
C157 Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and
Concrete (硬固水硬性水泥砂漿與混凝土的長度變化)
C1585 Test Method for Measurement of Rate of Absorption of Water by Hydraulic-Cement
Concretes (水硬性水泥混凝土的吸水速率)
5.2 可控制性低強度回填材料
D4832 Standard Test Method for Preparation and Testing of Controlled Low
Strength Material (CLSM) Test Cylinders (CLSM圓柱試體試驗)
D5971 Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Controlled Low-Strength
Material (新拌CLSM的取樣)
D6023 Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, Cement Content,
and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM)
D6024 Standard Test Method for Ball Drop on Controlled Low Strength Material
(CLSM) to Determine Suitability for Load Application (利用落球試驗測試CLSM的承載能力)
D6103-04 Standard Test Method for Flow Consistency of Controlled Low Strength
Material (CLSM) (Withdrawn 2013) (CLSM的流動性, 2013年廢除)
6. 試樣準備
C192 Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory
C305 Practice for Mechanical Mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes and Mortars of
Plastic Consistency (水硬性水泥與砂漿的拌合)
Specification for Mixing Rooms, Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms, and Water Storage
Tanks Used in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes (水硬性水泥混凝土的拌合與養護空間)
ASTM C1005
Specification for Reference Masses and Devices for Determining Mass and Volume
for Use in the Physical Testing of Hydraulic Cements (水硬性水泥物性試驗中測定質量與體積的標準質量與儀器)
C1738 Standard Practice for High-Shear Mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes (水泥漿體的高剪拌合)
ASTM E832 Standard
Specification for Laboratory Filter Papers (實驗用濾紙)
7. 基本物化性質
ASTM C115 Standard Test Method for Fineness of
Portland Cement by the Turbidimeter (利用濁度計測定卜特蘭水泥的細度)
ASTM C186 Standard Test
Method for Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cement (水硬性水泥的水化熱(絕熱法))
ASTM C188 Standard Test
Method for Density of Hydraulic Cement (水硬性水泥的比重)
ASTM C204 Test Methods for
Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air-Permeability Apparatus (利用氣滲透儀測定水硬性水泥的細度)
ASTM C430 Test Method for
Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the 45-μm (No. 325) Sieve (利用325號篩測定水硬性水泥的細度)
ASTM C786 Standard Test
Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement and Raw Materials by the 300-μm (No.
50), 150-μm (No. 100), and 75-μm (No. 200) Sieves by Wet Methods (利用50號篩、100號篩、200號篩的濕篩法測定水硬性水泥及其原料的細度)
ASTM C827 Standard Test
Method for Change in Height at Early Ages of Cylindrical Specimens of
Cementitious Mixtures (圓柱膠結材於早期的長度變化)
ASTM C1679 Practice for
Measuring Hydration Kinetics of Hydraulic Cementitious Mixtures Using
Isothermal Calorimetry (利用恆溫熱導法測定水硬性膠結材的水化熱動力)
ASTM C1702 Standard Test
Method for Measurement of Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cementitious
Materials Using Isothermal Conduction Calorimetry (利用恆溫熱導法測定水硬性膠結材的水化熱)
ASTM C1760 Standard Test
Method for Bulk Electrical Conductivity of Hardened Concrete (硬固混凝土的導電性)
8. 新拌性質
C138 Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content
(Gravimetric) of Concrete (混凝土的單位重,體積產量,含氣量)
C143 Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete (水硬性水泥混凝土的坍度)
C172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete (新拌混凝土的取樣)
Test Method for Air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar (水硬性水泥砂漿的含氣量)
C191 Test Methods for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle (水硬性水泥的凝結時間(維卡針法))
Specification for Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement (流度台)
C231 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure
Method (新拌混凝土的含氣量(壓力法))
C232 Test Method for Bleeding of Concrete (混凝土的泌水)
C403 Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration
Resistance (利用貫入法測定混凝土的凝結時間)
C807 Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement Mortar by Modified
Vicat Needle (水硬性水泥砂漿的凝結時間(維卡針法))
C939 Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete (Flow
Cone Method)
C953 Test Method for Time of Setting of Grouts for Preplaced-Aggregate
Concrete in the Laboratory
C1064 Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete
C1437 Test Method for Flow of Hydraulic Cement Mortar
9. 力學性質
ASTM C39 Test Method for
Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (混凝土圓柱試體的抗壓強度)
ASTM C78 Test Method for
Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading) (混凝土的彎曲強度, 簡支梁的三點載重法)
ASTM C109 Test Method for
Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube
Specimens) (砂漿的抗壓強度)
ASTM C307 Standard Test
Method for Tensile Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortar, Grouts, and
Monolithic Surfacings (砂漿墁料的抗拉試驗)
ASTM C469 Test Method for
Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio of Concrete in Compression (受壓混凝土的靜彈性模數與蒲松氏比)
10. 耐久性質
10.1 孔隙分佈
ASTM C457 Test Method for
Microscopical Determination of Parameters of the Air-Void System in Hardened
Concrete (硬固混凝土的孔隙分佈)
ASTM D4404 Standard Test
Method for Determination of Pore Volume and Pore Volume Distribution of Soil and
Rock by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (土壤與岩石MIP試驗)
10.2 抗硫酸鹽能力
ASTM C452 Standard Test
Method for Potential Expansion of Portland-Cement Mortars Exposed to Sulfate
ASTM C1012 Standard Test
Method for Length Change of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars Exposed to a Sulfate
Solution (砂漿法)
10.3 鹼矽粒料反應
ASTM C289 Standard Test
Method for Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method)
ASTM C1293 Test Method for
Determination of Length Change of Concrete Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction (混凝土因鹼矽反應所造成的長度變化)
ASTM C1567 Test Method for
Determining the Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Combinations of
Cementitious Materials and Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method) (加速砂漿法)
10.4 鹼碳酸鹽反應
C586 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks
as Concrete Aggregates (Rock-Cylinder Method) (石柱法)
10.5 氯離子
ASTM C1152 Standard Test
Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete (砂漿與混凝土中的酸溶氯離子)
ASTM C1202 Test Method for
Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion
Penetration (利用電通性質評估混凝土抗氯離子滲入能力)
ASTM C1218 Test Method for
Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete (砂漿與混凝土的水溶性氯離子)
ASTM C1543 Test Method for
Determining the Penetration of Chloride Ion into Concrete by Ponding (利用浸漬試驗測定氯離子於混凝土的滲入)
ASTM C1556 Test Method for
Determining the Apparent Chloride Diffusion Coefficient of Cementitious
Mixtures by Bulk Diffusion (膠結料的氯離子擴散係數)
10.6 乾縮
ASTM C596 Standard Test
Method for Drying Shrinkage of Mortar Containing Hydraulic Cement (砂漿乾縮)
10.7 潛變
ASTM C512 Standard Test
Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression (受壓混凝土的潛變)
10.8 抗凍融能力
ASTM C666 Test Method for
Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing (混凝土抵抗快速凍融的能力)
ASTM C672 Test Method for
Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing Chemicals
11. 鋼筋腐蝕
ASTM G3 Standard Practice
for Conventions Applicable to Electrochemical Measurements in Corrosion
Testing (電化學腐蝕量測數據的相關慣用表示法
ASTM G16 Standard Guide for
Applying Statistics to Analysis of Corrosion Data (腐蝕數據的統計分析)
ASTM G46 Standard Guide for
Examination and Evaluation of Pitting Corrosion (孔蝕評估)
ASTM G59 Standard Test
Method for Conducting Potentiodynamic Polarization Resistance Measurements (直流極化法)
ASTM G102 Standard Practice
for Calculation of Corrosion Rates and Related Information from
Electrochemical Measurements (腐蝕速率計算)
ASTM G106 Standard Practice
for Verification of Algorithm and Equipment for Electrochemical Impedance
Measurements (交流阻抗法的原理與儀器)
ASTM G109 Determining
Effects of Chemical Admixtures on Corrosion of Embedded Steel Reinforcement
in Concrete Exposed to Chloride Environments (強塑劑對混凝土中鋼筋腐蝕的影響)
12. 其它
ASTM C25 Test Methods for
Chemical Analysis of Limestone, Quicklime, and Hydrated Lime
ASTM C50 Practice for
Sampling, Sample Preparation, Packaging, and Marking of Lime and Limestone
ASTM C140 Standard Test
Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units (混凝土磚材相關試驗)
ASTM C426 Standard Test
Method for Linear Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Masonry Units (混凝土磚材的乾縮)
ASTM C471 Standard Test
Methods for Chemical Analysis of Gypsum and Gypsum Products (石膏定量分析)
ASTM C593 Specification for
Fly Ash and Other Pozzolans for Use With Lime for Soil Stabilization
ASTM D653 Standard
Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids (土壤岩石試驗用語)
ASTM D2487 Standard Practice
for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil
Classification System) (統一土壤分類法)
ASTM D3987 Practice for
Shake Extraction of Solid Waste with Water
ASTM D4326 Test Method for
Major and Minor Elements in Coal and Coke Ash By X-Ray Fluorescence (利用X光螢光法測定煤灰中的元素種類)
13. 相關非ASTM規範
ISO 10426-2/API Specification
RP 10B-2 Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements (油井水泥)
AASHTO T277 Standard Method
of Test for Electrical Indication of Concrete's Ability to Resist Chloride
Ion Penetration (混凝土抗氯離子滲入能力)
請問國內有那地方可以做ASTM C1556的試驗
回覆刪除氯離子檢測相當普遍,目前國內很多大學的材料實驗室均有能力進行該規範, 可聯絡學會秘書轉介:
回覆刪除鄭美秀 小姐